H E L P conference 7-8 August 2024 (Adeladie Concention Centre)

Ronald McDonald House Charities Australia are proud to host the 2024 International Health, Educators, Learners, Parents (H.E.L.P.) Conference, in collaboration with the H.E.L.P. Alliance.
Nana's Weighted Blankets are heading to Adelaide and keen to connect with some of our current customers,in the Health and Education sectors. We hope to develop more awareness of what our products can provide to those who are dealing with complex health conditions.
We will have a range of products to see and feel, as well some featured case studies to show our products in action.
#WeightedBlankets #nontoxicf #foodgrade #polypellets #MachineWashable #HandMade #100percentcottonr #madeinaustralia #Weightedtoys #toysmodifiedinaustralia,
For more details check the link below